Wednesday, December 23, 2009 offers advice for beating holiday stress for teachers. Here are my faves--

Keep in mind that no matter what colleagues, your principal, students, or parents think or say, you're basically a good teacher who can't please all the people all the time.

Think of things that make teaching fun for you - and do them!

Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing for five minutes a day — and not feel guilty about it.

Be grateful to have a meaningful job.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Keep in mind this Christmas....

I was just talking to a guidance counselor about one of my students and was moved to tears as I learned more about this student's life.....

I have friends having babies, adopting children, applying to become foster parents, and loving their toddlers' first words. I have cousins who's children are the most important members of our family and who get covered in hugs and kisses the moment they walk in the door. These kids are much loved....but there are kids out there who are not.

Please keep in mind, (and not just during the holidays) how lucky you are to be loved. Share that love. Be kind to each other, especially those who are most difficult to be kind to. Think twice before mocking the weird kid, the smelly kid, the little rich girl, the socially awkward one, the band geeks, the prissy popular girls, the poor kid, the teacher who wears weird clothes, the guy who dropped all his books on the stairs, the girl who sits alone at lunch, the guy who tells annoying jokes....we are all a product of our environment. Be conscious of when you are kind, know when you are unkind. Make an effort to not hurt others. Seriously think about what you do and to whom....

And above all know that someone cares about you. I do. Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Let the Countdown Begin:

Lalalaaaaa....only 4 more school days till Christmas break! I am so so happy!

Nope. I do not believe in Global Warming. (I'm a republican for goodness sakes) Have you checked outside lately? Yup. Cold. I'm not sending Christmas cards this year. This will be the first time in 13 years that I have not sent my own Christmas cards to my friends and family. I'm not holding back the card delivery as a measure to impact the environment, I'm not trying to save trees. I'm lazy and broke. That's it. Although I did take some nice pictures of my dog in a Santa hat with the good intentions of putting them in a card.... life goes on. Merry Christmas and all that jazz.

Mwahahahahaha. My poor students. They really want to watch movies and do nothing next week. How does that formulate their intelligent minds? How does that improve their education and their ability to be productive in society? No, my poor little naughties, we will be editing our memoirs next week and working in the computer lab. I am the evil teacher of your nightmares and I get pleasure from your pain.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Teachers do not want coffee mugs for christmas. We can only fit so many in our cabinet..... now books. There's always room for another book.

...that is all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I want my students to read and love reading. (I'm reading the Kite Runner right now for the first time. I'm also reading Nineteen Minutes and When I was Puerto Rican.) What are you reading?

I love these two, really cool teachers who are working together on reading instruction and workshop.

I want my students to write and love writing. (I'm working on a short memoir about a cute boy I met in London. :-).....)

I sorta want a nap.

Friday, December 4, 2009

In a million words or less....

why I love my job, even on the crummy days:

-My job is never ever boring.
-I love seeing the light bulb moments that my students have
-My co-workers ROCK!
-I like kids.
-I like watching my students grow and change in the 9 months I have them
-I like being in control. I can decide what I teach and when, I can decide if I want to stay late or if I want to take work home, I can drop all plans and change my mind at the drop of a hat. (there aren't many careers where you can do all that).
-I get to work with books. I LOVE books.
-I 100% believe that teaching is what I was born to do and that the big guy upstairs really does have a plan for my life.
-I love acting, my classroom is my life's stage and in the course of a single day I can get boo-ed or applauded based on my performance. I am truly a performer.
-I love to mess with kids heads.
-I like that I play many roles in the lives of my students: teacher, comedian, cheerleader, confidant, coach
-I love, love, love when my students reach success, no matter how small, I feel proud of them, and proud of me too!
-I'm sorta, a little bit, good at this gig.
-I'm a nerd, I enjoy sharing with my kids a LOVE of learning
-Every so often I have a student who is excited about a good book. This makes me elated. I feel like dancing. (Sometimes I do).
-I love listening to kids' ideas, and seeing how their minds work. They are cool people.
-I feel smarter every day. I learn stuff too. This is a neat perk.
-ummm....don't tell my boss, but I get paid to play and hang out with kids all day long, every day.
-I get Christmas cards from former students. I got a letter this year from a college freshman telling me how thankful he was that I taught him how to write a good paper. I cried. It's all worth it.
-I like to read. Sometimes we spend WHOLE DAYS reading in my classroom. Nice.
-Kids are hilarious. There's humor in every moment.
-I get a real sense of accomplishment when a lesson I have planned, and prepped, and slaved over goes REALLY well.
-I get all holidays off to spend time with my family. This is fantastic.
-I like being able to interact with my students who are generally, mostly, good and try to do what I ask of them.
-I feel happy when I make a connection with a kid who is otherwise intolerable with other teachers but who works his butt off in my class.
-I like an excuse to wear high heels once and a while.
-I'm a writer by nature, I like to show my students how and why to write.
-I love to feed upon my students' energy. They have alot.
-I enjoy embarrassing and otherwise finding ways to irritate my students.
-I like candy. So do my students. Its a great relationship.

There are more. But I have papers to grade.