Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have much to be thankful for! (Here's the short list:)

-hot rolls fresh from the Amish farm down the road
-my momma did some of my laundry this week
-My grandfather rolled his pick-up and although the truck looked like an accordion the man walked away just fine.
-my dog loves to snuggle me, I love to cuddle, we're the perfect match
-I have a stack of brand new books, the bindings yet to be cracked, stacked next to my bed and four more wonderful days off
-my little brother, who is 13 and still thinks I'm cool, rocks at everything he does and I'm so proud of him.
-I have over half a box of Lucky Charms left to eat this week.
-my family is safe and happy and healthy
-I have new, cozy slippers
-My house has HEAT (it hasn't had any lately)
-I am loved.

1 comment:

  1. Love your list! I've been away from my blog, but now I'm back. Trying to plan for the rest of the year to incorporate some of the AMAZING material I learned at NCTE. Did you get the invite to the collaborative ning ( I met a number of other teachers in Philly, who want to collaborate for projects. I'm totally hyped.
